Aide pour site de louis de funes
Publié : 19/02/07 18:23
Hi, first of all I hope this is the right forum for my request and secondly, I hope that I'm allowed to write in English here...
My name is Daniel, I've been running a German Louis de Funès website for over 5 years now and soon I'll relaunch the whole site.
Not only will the site contain lots of new content, the site will be multilangual as well, German, English and French.
Users will be able to post comments to a specific film in their own language, which leads me to the reason why I post all of this.
I don't speak French at all.
And that's why I am looking for a native speaking French person who is willing to moderate some comments and/or moderate the International section of my forum.
The only requirements are:
- Basic knowledge of the English language, or even better - German, basically to communicate.
- Some knowledge related to Monsieur Louis de Funès of course... (his best-known movies etc.)
I'd be very happy to hear from you!
Traduction(en résumé):
Voilà notre cher ami daniel souhaiterai quelqu'un qui soit français pour l'aider a refaire son website(un modérateur).Son nouveau site sera multilingue(français, anglais, allemand). Il faut que cette personne parle un peu l'anglais et soit français, parle s'il le peut l'allemand et est bien sur des connaisances sur louis de funes.
Si quelqu'un est intérrésse faite le moi savoir.
Hi, first of all I hope this is the right forum for my request and secondly, I hope that I'm allowed to write in English here...
My name is Daniel, I've been running a German Louis de Funès website for over 5 years now and soon I'll relaunch the whole site.
Not only will the site contain lots of new content, the site will be multilangual as well, German, English and French.
Users will be able to post comments to a specific film in their own language, which leads me to the reason why I post all of this.
I don't speak French at all.
And that's why I am looking for a native speaking French person who is willing to moderate some comments and/or moderate the International section of my forum.
The only requirements are:
- Basic knowledge of the English language, or even better - German, basically to communicate.
- Some knowledge related to Monsieur Louis de Funès of course... (his best-known movies etc.)
I'd be very happy to hear from you!
Traduction(en résumé):
Voilà notre cher ami daniel souhaiterai quelqu'un qui soit français pour l'aider a refaire son website(un modérateur).Son nouveau site sera multilingue(français, anglais, allemand). Il faut que cette personne parle un peu l'anglais et soit français, parle s'il le peut l'allemand et est bien sur des connaisances sur louis de funes.
Si quelqu'un est intérrésse faite le moi savoir.